In April 2003, during the Great Lakes Regional Contingency planning exercise, it was recognized that there was a need to more systematically address HIV/AIDS in emergency and conflict situations, and particularly in CAP preparations.  It was thus agreed to establish a regional interagency working group on HIV/AIDS in Humanitarian Response, to ensure that HIV and AIDS is prioritized in emergency work.  HIV and AIDS technical experts, programme development specialists from international humanitarian agencies, UN Agencies, donors and NGOs thus came together to form the working group. 

Although the group was initially formed specifically to address issues in the Great Lakes, the regional coverage of the group has subsequently been expanded to include Eastern Africa and the Horn.  

Overall Aim

Ensure that HIV/AIDS prevention and impact mitigation is prioritized in humanitarian emergency work in the region, including Eastern Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.


Open to representatives of international humanitarian agencies, involved in addressing HIV/AIDS prevention and response as part of their overall programme of activities, working in the region.  

The sub-group holds bi-monthly meetings.