Kenya became the first African Member State to join the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1985. Since then, and more specifically since IOM office was established in Kenya in 1993, IOM Kenya has been delivering on the promise of migration by working with the Government of Kenya, development partners, private sector, civil society organizations, and other relevant stakeholders to seize the opportunities and tackle the challenges of migration, while supporting the transformative journeys of migrants, vulnerable communities, and refugees.

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society to save lives and protect people on the move, drive solutions to displacements, and facilitate pathways for regular migration. In Kenya, we achieve this through:

  • Labour Mobility and Migrant Protection

  • Immigration and Border Governance

  • Recovery and Resilience

  • Migration Health

  • Resettlement and Movement Management

  • Data, Research and Policy

Learn more about IOM Kenya