HR in emergencies sub-group was established in 2007 through a partnership between IAWG and People in Aid now CHS Alliance. The forum was formed to address the needs of the humanitarian community during the process of staff recruitment and retention in emergencies and to address staff issues that arise after humanitarian response.

Every year, the sub-group in collaboration with CHS alliance hosts the Annual Humanitarian Human Resource Conference and the Annual Rewards conference together with Birches group


  1. Information sharing through email interactions and meetings ensuring that the agencies with least capacity gain from the ones with more developed HR capacity.
  2. Building HR capacity through workshop trainings, expert presentations/case studies and conferences
  3. Upholding HR professional values and ethics across the agencies
  4. Upholding the international humanitarian code of conduct across the region


Open to regional representatives in charge of HR/ – including; advisors, directors, managers, and coordinators from the INGOs, NGOs, the UN, Red Cross and the donor community.

The sub-group holds bi-monthly meetings.