To be the vehicle through which humanitarian and developmental organizations in the region gain access to global and regional initiatives, in improving the quality of humanitarian organizational learning. This is mainly done through partnerships.
Some of the proposed intersecting activities in the three areas of learning, partnerships and innovation include:

  1. Humanitarian Learning  - Partnerships with Academia, Certification, Humanitarian Research, Publications, facilitation Support to other groups, Core Humanitarian Competencies training
  2. Humanitarian Innovation - Humanitarian Talks, Scaling up Sector Trends, Coaching and Mentoring, Blended Learning Support to other groups
  3. Humanitarian Partnerships - One of the flagship projects under this working group in the annual Humanitarian Partnership Conference with 3 conferences successfully done - 2013, 2014 and 2015. Read more about the conference here

Other partnerships include linking up with the Humanitarian Private Sector Forum


Open to IAWG members, the UN, Red Cross, Donor community, academia among others.
This is also a closed group with vetting of members and attendance of meetings is by invitation only

The sub-group holds bi-monthly meetings.