
IOM and Japan Partner to Enhance Economic Resilience, Peace and Security, and Mental Health in Kenya.

NAIROBI, 30 April 2024 – People in Kenya’s border communities affected by insecurity, climate crisis, displacement, and lack of basic services and livelihoods will benefit from a new partnership between the Government of Japan and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Implemented in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) Counties of Garissa, Lamu, Mandera, and Wajir, the contribution will support border communities and the Government of Kenya with enhanced economic resilience, social cohesion, peace and security, and mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS).

Achieving peaceful, secure, and stable societies, and maintaining and strengthening a free and open international border based on the rule of law are one of the key priorities for the Government of Japan”, remarked Mr. Masami Ito, Embassy of Japan’s IOM focal person. “We are pleased to support this project, which will contribute to a more peaceful environment by building the capacity of border officials and furthermore through economic activities that will improve the lives of vulnerable women and youth.

We are grateful to the Government of Japan for their partnership and continued support. Thanks to Japan’s generosity and trust, IOM will be able to address growing needs in border communities across Kenya and help vulnerable migrants and Kenyan communities” said IOM Kenya Chief of Mission Dimanche Sharon. “The funding will make a real difference to the lives of these communities, fostering community resilience and strengthening border governance to safeguard peace and prosperity for all. The generous contribution will help us provide the much-needed assistance to the communities.

IOM is working with Japan and other aid partners to mainstream migration into Kenya’s development discourse and to ensure that a longer-term view is applied to build community resilience and border governance in Kenya. 

For more information, please contact:

Cynthia Meru, National Communications Officer, IOM Kenya,




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