Purpose: to identify and take forward humanitarian advocacy issues in the region and influence policy development by governments and other players. The objective of the subgroup is to:

  1. Share information and identify joint opportunities/ events to further regional advocacy objectives agreed by members of the group.
  2. Identify opportunities for coordination of regional initiatives and seek to improve engagement between humanitarian and development actors.
  3. Bring national/ country level issues - voices and evidences from the field to a regional level  to advocate for the right changes to the right target.
  4. Provide peer support to individual agency advocacy staff and provide capacity building / technical support to IAWG working groups and members.
  5. Strengthen relationships between IAWG members and non-traditional actors, private sector, etc.


The group is open to representatives from all IAWG organizations. Participation by any other interested parties is welcome as long as prior information regarding attendance is shared with the chair / co-chair. If participation by a particular organization and / or individual is deemed questionable, information regarding their interest to participate will be shared with other members of the group prior to the meeting.

The sub-group holds monthly meetings.