The group was formed with the main objective of ensuring that the member organizations have the capacity to ensure their projects are of the highest quality and accountability to beneficiaries, staff and donors is enhanced. The group works closely with HAP, CHS Alliance, ALNAP and SPHERE among other key stakeholders. The objective of this working groups is to share learning and good practice on quality and accountability, give support to peers, and, where possible, to undertake research activities on quality and accountability in order to add to the existing body of knowledge, evidence and tools in the region.


Open to all Monitoring & Evaluation, Accountability, Learning and Program quality focal points, HAP, SPHERE, Accountability to Affected Communities and other Accountability standards focal points, program managers among others drawn from the INGOs, NGOs, and regional bodies like the IGAD, UN, Red Cross and the donor community.

The sub-group holds bi-monthly meetings.