The Regional IASC Humanitarian Partnership Team (RHPT) is senior level fora whose main objective is to identify, help address, and advocate on key operational and strategic issues that are critical to the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance in the region. 

It does not duplicate Humanitarian Country Team initiatives at the country level and/or sector-specific technical groups at the regional level. The RHPT supports these by providing strategic guidance and engaging in joint initiatives to address persistent challenges and amplifying key advocacy.


UNOCHA Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa and IAWG


IASC partners and observers with a regional mandate on emergency preparedness and response and related matters;
Regional offices participating in the network should be mandated to cover at least four to five countries.
IGAD: The Senior Humanitarian Advisor for IGAD will be invited to co-chair quarterly meetings for the purpose of assisting in discussion and ensuring humanitarian issues are addressed by Member States.

The RHPT will meet on a monthly basis.  The RHPT will also meet jointly with Resident and Humanitarian Coordinators and donors in the region on a quarterly basis.